Sunday, January 13, 2013

John Carter Free movie streaming

John Carter Free movie streaming

From filmmaker Andrew Stanton comes John Carter-a sweeping action-adventure set on the mysterious and exotic planet of Barsoom (Mars). John Carter is based on a classic novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, whose highly imaginative adventures served as inspiration for many filmmakers, both past and present. The film tells the story of war-weary, former military captain John Carter (Taylor Kitsch), who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly embroiled in a conflict of epic proportions amongst the inhabitants of the planet, including Tars Tarkas (Willem Dafoe) and the captivating Princess Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins). In a world on the brink of collapse, Carter rediscovers his humanity when he realizes that the survival of Barsoom and its people rests in his hands. -- (C) Walt Disney
Release Date John Carter Mar 9, 2012 Wide

Actors For John Carter

Taylor Kitsch,Lynn Collins,Samantha Morton,Willem Dafoe,Thomas Haden Church,Mark Strong,CiarĂ¡n Hinds,Dominic West,James Purefoy,Bryan Cranston,Polly Walker,Daryl Sabara,Arkie Reece,Davood Ghadami,Pippa Nixon,James Embree,Phil Philmar,Figs Jackman,Emily Tierney,Edmund Kente

Genres John Carter : Action & Adventure,Horror,Kids & Family,Science Fiction & Fantasy

User Ranting John Carter : 3.5
User Percentage For John Carter : 61 %
User Count Like for John Carter : 101,913
All Critics Ranting For John Carter : 5.8
All Critics Count For John Carter : 216
All Critics Percentage For John Carter : 51 %

Review For John Carter

A mess.
David Denby-New Yorker

A bloated sci-fi epic from Disney that's made watchable by swell effects, passable performances and those little dashes of humor that reassure us that the filmmakers know this is all a lark.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The most indelible performance in the film is not, strictly speaking, a performance at all. Rather it is Woola, a six-legged Martian hound who rather resembles a cross between a bulldog and a fetal gila monster.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

The reported $250 million price tag for John Carter gives one pause. I suppose one could argue that masterpieces have no price. Then again, John Carter is no masterpiece.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Where John Carter continually gets it right is pacing, levity, and breadth of story.

Whenever the fighting stops and two people have to stand and talk, all the air goes out of everything. Suddenly it feels as if we're in an empty theater, watching a dusty old sword-and-sandal epic.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

"John Carter" is certainly an interesting idea for a film, with a power struggle on an alien world and an outsider affecting the balance, but sadly it never ends up fully working.

If Cecil B. DeMille were alive today and given the chance to direct a special effects-laden fantasy adventure on Mars, he might have made something similar to Andrew Stanton's visually stunning epic "John Carter."

A mightily entertaining, oft-cheesy, oft-soaring spectacle packed with more pulp than Florida's finest fruit.
Erick Weber-NECN

One of the best sci-fi fantasy films in a long, long time.
William Bibbiani-CraveOnline

Once John Carter gets past laying out the specifics of the various Martian cultures and tensions, it settles into a pleasant groove that recalls the old Saturday afternoon serials.
Mark Pfeiffer-Reel Times: Reflections on Cinema

It's one of those big-screen enterprises that doesn't leave much residue (not to mention pleasure) once its moved on to conquer its next audience.
Richard Knight-Knight at the Movies

Not as bad as you've been lead to believe . . .
James O'Ehley-Sci-Fi Movie Page

Considering it stems from a story that helped define a genre limited only by imagination, John Carter is a curiously dull film.
Jordan Farley-SFX Magazine

If you haven't seen it yet, give it another shot. You may be surprised at how much fun it can be.
Rob Vaux-Sci-Fi Movie Page

John Carter is a visual delight at times, but the classic story is tiresome and the characters are largely unmemorable, leaving a cold, only occasionally thrilling experience.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

The odd, uneven John Carter is better than you'd expecting, but it's still an unwieldy collection of mostly half-realized dreams.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

An undeniable disaster...of marketing. Join me on a tour of media headaches, and why they don't necessarily reflect the quality of the movie itself. [Blu-ray 3D]
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews

Under Stanton's care 'John Carter' is the kind of tremendous fun-filled film that's worth going to the theater to see.
Jeffrey Lyles-Lyles' Movie Files

John Carter is for fans of pure, joyous, escapist, adventure cinema. Seeing John Carter unfamiliar with the text; it's very clear that the original text has influenced a hell of a lot of Sci-fi flicks that we've seen before.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

OK, they botched the title. But not the movie itself.
Linda Cook-Quad City Times (Davenport, IA)

Ambitious and often unwieldy, but savory in its construction and earnestness. John Carter is sadly undeserving of its flop status.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

Nothing here as inspired as the Lightsaber, but there's no Jar Jar Binks either.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

Isn't the disaster some industry observers predicted, but it's not the high-gloss masterpiece some of us hoped for either.
Matt Singer-ScreenCrush

I understand John Carter likes being on Mars (superpowers + hot, intelligent princess). I just don't want to be there with him.
Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review

The film is far from perfect. Sometimes it's silly. But, the action and the atmosphere make this a world worth exploring. Paul Chambers, CNN.
Paul Chambers-CNNRadio

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