Sunday, January 13, 2013

Project X Free movie streaming

Project X Free movie streaming

The Hangover's Todd Phillips produces this top-secret comedy from writers Matt Drake and Michael Bacall, with helming duties handled by commercial director Nima Nourizadeh. ~ Jeremy Wheeler, Rovi R
Release Date Project X Mar 2, 2012 Wide

Actors For Project X

Thomas Mann,Oliver Cooper,Jonathan Brown,Dax Flame,Miles Teller,Kirby Bliss Blanton,Brady Hender,Nichole O'Connor,Nick Nervies,Alexis Knapp,Peter Mackenzie,Caitlin Dulany,Rob Evors,Rick Shapiro,Martin Klebba,Pete Gardner,Sam Lant,Henry Michaelson,David Sánchez,Brendan Miller

Genres Project X : Drama,Science Fiction & Fantasy,Comedy

User Ranting Project X : 3.6
User Percentage For Project X : 63 %
User Count Like for Project X : 81,179
All Critics Ranting For Project X : 4.2
All Critics Count For Project X : 127
All Critics Percentage For Project X : 28 %

Review For Project X

"Project X" is that beau who sets off warning bells when he's there to date your little girl. You won't want to let her out the door with this creep.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

This is a film desperately in need of a McLovin. Also, jokes would help. And comedic chemistry between the actors. And an ending that isn't a bolted-on cop-out. Save yourselves. It's too late for me.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

The movie has all the heft of a tweet, but Philips has made it look pimp and, until the police end the party, Project X really is a riot.
Peter Travers-Rolling Stone

Ultimately, Project X is an example of why gimmicks rarely work, especially once the new shine has worn off.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

"Project X" bears a cravenly piggish attitude toward rewarding socially unacceptable behavior that feels unseemly rather than exciting, so-what rather than so-funny and obvious instead of new.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

"There's a midget in the oven!" is about as inspired as the dialogue and set pieces get in this queasy-making entertainment about a 17-year-old dude's birthday bacchanalia.
Melissa Anderson-Village Voice

Say what you want about Project X (and people have), but there's a decent idea behind it.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

Project X misses the mark some of the time, but makes up for it by hosting the party of the decade.
Christian Law-We Got This Covered

Unlike prior 'house party' movies, Project X says nothing meaningful about its subject matter and, instead, paints teens as unlikeable and reckless automatons.
Ben Kendrick-ScreenRant

Project X misses the mark some of the time, but makes up for it by hosting the party of the decade.
Kristal Cooper-We Got This Covered

There'll be many middle-aged, middle class haters declaring it morally bankrupt, but most will be able to file it under 'Guilty Pleasures' alongside Jackass, Bachelor Party your pet to dance on its hind legs.

It wants to be the ultimate party movie, but its mean-spirited nastiness, dedication to shock-value humor, and lack of any kind of base-level humanity proves that it's really the ultimate teensploitation film.

An enjoyable, if very sloppy, jaunt into total anarchy, Project X isn't a film about morals, but what happens when all rules are thrown out the window.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

The movie is every bit as bad as the trailer made it out to be. (Blu-ray edition)
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

It's kind of like reality TV. You get what you pay for.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

Laughs? Just one or two chuckles. Acting? Pretty flat. X stands for Xcuse to shrug off empty-spectacle moviemaking as awesome partying for Hollywood's coveted teen demographic. X marks that Xtremely cynical profiteering spot atop the box office.
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)

Except for bits concerning the dog, I didn't hear myself laughing.

If you don't mind the adolescent male point-of view (read: constant objectifying of the opposite sex) there's plenty to enjoy here.
Simon Weaving-Screenwize

The party won't stop, even though you want it to.
Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review

Overloaded with foul language, gratuitous nudity, obnoxious characters, and the sub-standard cinematography of the "found footage" style.... But damn if it's not entertaining.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

A bad-taste comedy with energy and anarchy to spare -- maybe too much of both
Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit

An unhealthy strain of misogyny runs through the dialogue, and the film- makers' unquestioning acceptance of high-school one-upmanship fairly turns the stomach.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times

Although much of this obvious yet ingenious film is filler, it may be a game-changer in its genre, and its fiery, almost apocalyptic final act recalls the liberating anarchy of the great 'Rock 'n' Roll High School.'
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

... a lame, laughless, pathetic little comedy.
Jim Lane-Sacramento News & Review

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